| Sermon Thought by Lilly Reuben |

Maturity is the development of mental and emotional stability, as well as the ability to respond appropriately to various situations.
As a Christian, I believe maturity is cultivated through love. Love for Christ has deepened my understanding of who Jesus is and what He expects from me. When I say I am a Christian, I must follow Christ. He lived a selfless life, and I am called to do the same. Christ’s love for people led Him to sacrifice His life for them, restoring the relationship between humanity and God.
In my opinion, maturity is a love that fosters an attitude of selflessness, enabling us to respond appropriately to life's challenges. In Ephesians 3, Paul prays for the church to be strengthened by the Spirit in their inner being, rooted and grounded in love. He encourages us to comprehend with all the saints the breadth, length, height, and depth of Christ’s love, which surpasses knowledge.