| Sermon Summary by Lynda Keren |

The greatest privilege is being called God’s servant.
As we look into the story of Exodus, we learn a few things on what made Moses God’s faithful servant.
Firstly, Moses had a right relationship with the Lord. He walked closely with God. The Israelites were afraid to walk closely with God. They asked Moses to be their mediator. When they saw the majesty of God, the smoke and thunder, they were afraid. But Moses never hesitated. Whenever God called, he went. He spoke to God like a friend. He was also careful to listen to all God’s instructions.
Moses had the right perspective in his relationship with people. He was careful to communicate God’s requirements to them and he carried their requests to God. He interceded/prayed for them. When they asked for food, water or any other need, he always went to God. When they sinned, he interceded for them. Moses spoke to power unafraid. He was courageous to stand before Pharoah.
A faithful servant is fearless because he knows God is with him. He is not afraid to speak truth to power. He knew he couldn’t do it alone. He needed Aaron, Miriam, the 70 elders, Joshua. He is humble. In the incident in Numbers 12, Miriam and Aaron talked about Moses behind his back because of his Cushite wife and the Lord heard it. Moses never reacted. Moses who was fearless before Pharoah never said a word because he was a humble man; he let God intervene in the situation.
Right Identity is required for right service
Moses knew he did not belong to Egyptian royalty. That must have been a fancy identity to keep. We all know the privileges of royalty. In Hebrews 11, we read that Moses refused the identity as son of Pharoah’s daughter and chose to be identified with the slaves. Identity, a healthy understanding of who we are and how we choose to identify is very important to serve.
Right Choices Redefined by Faith
Moses, by faith, made some difficult choices. He could have enjoyed the soft life of royalty. But he chose the hard life, that is what Eugene Peterson writes in the Message. Serving requires sacrifice and making some hard choices, walking out of places of compromise though they may promise an easy life. That is the path of our Savior which is in contrast with the way of the world. The way of the world is power, control and comforts but the way of the cross is humility, suffering and hardship.
Right seeking of Reward only from God
Moses looked to God for his reward. After all his service, his expectation was only from God. The Pharisees were good in serving, but they were show offs, the Lord hated their acts of service.
“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature, rather serve one another humbly in love”- Gal:5:13.