| Session 2 Summary by Lynda Keren |

One of the important requirements for a plant to grow well is the soil and equally important is the kind of soil. Not all soil fosters good growth in plants. In the second session, we learned that the Word of God and the Holy Spirit of God are the instruments of growth in our lives.
In the Parable of the Sower, we read about the four kinds of soil which indicate the condition of our heart which eventually determines our spiritual growth.
The first kind of soil is the path. There is always much trampling on the path. The seed of God’s word falls on the path which indicates there is much hearing and reading of God’s word. But there is nothing beyond that. There is no commitment, no reflection, no transformational thinking and no effort to apply what is heard or read, hence the evil one picks it away.
Are we just hearing and reading God’s word or are we taking it beyond to let it transform our minds and apply it in our lives?
The second and third is the soil of rocks and thorns. When persecution comes because of keeping the word, they immediately stop. It is also those who give in to the worries or life, deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for things. If there is no godly contentment in our lives, if enough is never a word in our vocabulary, then the word of God will not bear fruit in our lives.
Are we willing to suffer hardship and still obey God’s word. Is my worry or lack of contentment choking God’s word in my life?
The fourth soil are those with noble hearts. They are those whose hearts are honest with God. They are not only willing to hear and read God’s word but also persevere till it changes them, thereby living a fruitful life.
Hosea:10:12,” Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord”
How is my heart today?