By Amelia Moses

As we heard Jesus Revealed – the Sermon on Sunday, one of the most inspiring points that shifted and realigned my perspective on a life of ministry was the reference made to verse 2 Cor 5:15.
2 Corinthians 5:15 says And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
There’s an old melody that ties in to this verse. ‘It is no longer I that liveth, but Christ who liveth in me’. I’ve sung this a thousand times, sometimes hummed it without realizing. Such power in these words and this verse.
A life for Jesus. That’s it. It is as simple as that. I live for Jesus because He died for me and rose again, that I should no longer live just for myself and my little world, but for Him and His kingdom, that we should no longer live just for ourselves, but for Him and His kingdom.
No matter where each of us are at this point of time in our lives, whether we are struggling, hurting, barely scraping through, whether we are at the pinnacle of success, have it all – money, love, fame - our life, wherever it stands, it belongs to Jesus.
In our hands and hearts is the ministry we are called to at this very moment – in our homes, workplaces, with our friends, wherever we are at this time of our lives. Choose to live by faith, choose to walk in faith, choose to call others to Jesus by faith.
By your faith, you stand taller, a beacon so others might see you and turn to the light. Stand firmer so that you shoulder burdens for those too tired to hold them; an anchor for those flailing in despair.
Stand and hold your ground until He gently whispers, ‘well done, child, welcome home.’
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